Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Old School Hardassery

I hold a high amount of admiration for the pioneers of any sport. Think about it. The early football players did not have the body armour they have today, they wore leather hats which were supposed to be helmets. NASCAR pioneers drove ill handling jalopies without being cocooned by the protection of roll cages, Kevlar, a Hans device, straps and Nomex. When a sport is around for a while, the athletes benefit from the trial and error of their predecessors.

Triathlon is no exception to this. Even though triathlon started in the late 1970's, Swimming 2.4 miles, Cycling 112 miles and running a 26.2 mile marathon in one big raced pushed the envelope in training, nutrition and equipment. The pioneers of the Ironman were true adventurers pushing into the unknown. Early Ironman athletes built the legend, which drives everyone who trains their butts off, decicates their spare time and disposable income to reach the dream of being an Ironman

Please take the time to read these blogs writted my Mark Montgomery, a lifeguard turned professional triathlete where he recounts his first Ironman, which took place at the first Ironman in Kona. These are truly some tales of hardassery!

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

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